You have 20 minutes to answer the following questions. You need a pencil and a piece of paper, you are not supposed to use other means of assistance.
You can guess, you should do it, because the result assumes that you get one or the other answer right by guessing. But you mustn't note more alternatives, than the asked amount. An example: if you should mention 5 of Earth's highest mountains, your answer shouldn't consist of more than 5 mountains.

The topics vary quite a lot and nobody i supposed to know everything. That means that you don't have to answer everything correctly, to get a good result.

All set? Good luck!

  1) Which are the five biggest planets in the Solar system?
  2) Who were the writers of the 4 gospels in the Bible?
  3) Which are the five countries with the biggest area on Earth?
  4) Mention the cities, where the first five Olympic Summergames after World War II were held.
  5) Name the five Roman emperors, following Augustus.
  6) Name five of the nine muses in Greek mythology.
  7) Which are the first five chemical elements in the periodic system?
  8) Name five of the ten countries, producing most coffee.
  9) Which are the four prime numbers between 50 and 70?
10) Name five of the winners of an Oscar for the best male performance during the nineties.
11) What is the equivalent of the word "milk" in French, German, Spanish, Italian and Russian?
12) Mention five winners of the Nobelprize in literature during the nineties.
13) Which are the 5 World Champions of soccer, winning not only on home ground.
14) Name five of the ten monarchs, who had the longest reigning periods.
15) Name five of the ten longest rivers on Earth.
16) Name five of the ten painters, who's work oftest was sold for an amount higher than one million pounds.

© Bernhard Kauntz, 2003

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last update: 8.1.2003 by werbeka@wineasy.se