Answers: What do you know about Greece?
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Some words about getting points:
Every right answer, known or guessed, gives you one point. If you answered right on all three parts of one question, you get one extrapoint, that is 4 points for this question.
That makes the highest possible score of this quiz 40.
31 - 40 points: You are Greek. And have good general knowledge.
23 - 30 points: Marvellous. Probably you have been to Greece a couple of times.
17 - 22 points: A good result. You can be satisfied.
11 - 16 points: All right. Your knowledge of Greece is about average.
05 - 10 points: It wasn't much. But you know probably, where Greece is situated.
00 - 05 points: Not enough. It might have been all Greek to you.
The right answers:
Question 1: 2-5-3
Knossos can be found on Crete.
Lindos is situated on Rhodes.
Mytilini lies on Lesvos.
Question 2: 1-2-4
On the mainland Greece has borders to Albania, Bulgaria and Macedonia, but not to Georgia, Romania and Serbia.
Question 3: 5-3-6
Amphitrite was Poseidon's spouse.
Aphrodite was married to Hephaistos.
Hera was the quarreling wife of Zeus.
Question 4: 2-5-4
Fassolada is a bean soup.
Saganaki is baked feta-cheese.
Kalamarakia are calamari.
Question 5: 1-4-5
The Erechtheion, the Parthenon and the Nike-temple can be found on the Acropolis.
Question 6: 4-1-6
Nana Mouskouri
Costas Papadopoulos
Mikis Theodorakis
Question 7: 5-6-2
The battle of Marathon was in the year 490 BC.
The battle of Salamis was in the year 480 BC.
Alexander the Great died in the year 323 BC.
Question 8: 2-3-6
In 776 BC the first Olympic Games were held.
In 1896 the first Olympic Games of our time were held in Athens.
Athens was elected to arrange the Olympic Games of 2004.
Question 9: 2-4-1
Bouzouki is a musical instrument.
Evzonen are guard soldiers.
Diabatirio is a passport.
Question 10: 3-6-5
Plato is famous for the Cave Allegory.
Heraclitus thought that "panta rhei". (All things are in a state of flux.)
Pythagoras invented the idea of the "Music of the Spheres".
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