Below you find 30 events from the 20th century. Assign them to the right year. Your aim is to get as few points as possible. If you get the year right, you get 0 points, every year off gives you 1 point, but at most 10 points for each question. That is, if the right answer is 1958 and your answer should be 1953, you get 5 points, whereas 1971 would give you 10 points.
There are three questions from each decade of the century - if that is any help. (A decade starts with year x1 and ends on a even ten, that is e.g. 1941-50.) If you don't know the answer, you should guess, you'll be surprised how much help your subconciousness can be.

All set? Good luck!


 1) The wall in Berlin is torn down.
 2) Japan attacks Pearl Harbour.
 3) Austria's sucessor to the throne, Franz Ferdinand, is shot in Sarajevo.
 4) The Six Day's War in the Middle East rages.
 5) India gains its independency.
 6) Queen Victoria of Great Britain dies.


 7) Neil Armstrong takes a walk on the moon.
 8) The Soviet Union launches the first satellite, "Sputnik".
 9) Werner Forßmann gets the Nobel Prize in medicine.
10) The 19.8 km long Simplon-tunnel is finished.
11) "Sexual Behaviour in the Human Male", the Kinsey-report, is published.
12) The first CD:s hit the market.


13) "Modern Times" with Charlie Chaplin is released.
14) Antoni Gaudi's Parc Güell in Barcelona is finished.
15) "Ulysses" of James Joyce is printed the first time.
16) Matisse, Vlaminck, a.o. are called "les fauves" at the autumn exhibition in Paris.
17) Elvis Presley's first songs, a.o. "Heartbreak Hotel" are published.
18) George Gershwin composes "Rhapsodie in Blue".


19) The Olympic Games are hosted in Atlanta, US, this summer.
20) The first Winter Olympic Games are held.
21) Bob Beamon sets the world-record of the century in long jump.
22) Björn Borg wins the Wimbledon-tennis finals for the 5th consecutive year.
23) France wins the Soccer World-Championships on own soil.
24) Bernard Hinault wins the "Tour de France" for the fifth time.


25) Titanic sinks.
26) This is the "Year of the Women", proclaimed by the UN.
27) The american criminal John Dillinger is shot.
28) Karol Wojtyla, alias John Paul II becomes pope.
29) The american FBI gets its current name.
30) Boutros Boutros-Ghali becomes secretary-general of the UN.

© Bernhard Kauntz, 2000

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