Charlotte (m. Carey)
born Apr. 29th, 1819 onboard of the "Atlas", on the way to Calcutta, India
married Aug. 16th, 1842 in Bengal, India to William Henry Carey
died June 10th, 1886 in Argyll House, Simla, Himachal Pradesh, India
daughter of Edward and Ann
On her gravestone in the old Simla Cemetery is inscribed: "The faithful wife for forty years of W H Carey".
Probably Charlotte with either Mary or George
The back of the photo gives the photographer's name: FW Baker, arrived in Calcutta 1855 and abandoned photography 1869 - Ref: Encyclopaedia of Nineteenth Century Photographers Vol 1; 0415972353; p 107, by John Falconer
Her husband, William Henry Carey, born June 12th, 1817 in Amboyna, Indonesia - was a descendant of William Carey, the first Baptist missionary to go to India in the 1700s. He died Nov. 28th, 1859 in Teddington, Middlesex, England. William Henry was editor of 'The Times of India' and for several years superintendent of the Adjutant-General's Press at Simla.
Charlotte started the first Day School in the area for small boys and girls which was well attended.
Together with William Henry parent of Sophia Matilda (born June 9th, 1843), Charlotte Isabella (born June 23rd, 1845), Annie Eliza (born 1847), William (born July 18th, 1849), Ernest Gilbert (born Oct 12th, 1851), Mary Simpson (born May 24th, 1854) and George Beeby (born 1857).
William Henry Carey, Editor of 'The Times of India' and for several years superintendent of the Adjutant-General's Press at Simla. |
source: yabr.net/family/family.php?famid=F2347, Sally Edwards (all images) and Harry Kauntze.
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