a bell-maker, living in Hermannstadt (today Sibiu) in Romania during the first half of the 20th century
a note from 1922: The bell casting house was situated on Morilor Street at no. 2, being the successor of the W. Gottschling bell casting house;
together with ? parent of "Federico" (Joachim)
A bell, standing in a library in Hermannstadt, manufactured by "Schieb u Kauntz" in 1926 for the church of Michelsdorf.

Another bell is in the tower of the church in Abtsdorf. It is a broncean bell and dates back to about 1500. It had spruck though, and had to be recasted in 1929. The following text is engraved on it: Umgegossen im Jahre 1929 durch Fritz Kauntz, Glockengießer in Hermannstadt. See also: Abtsdorf - die Glocken.
Images Michelsdorf: production and © 2007: Jürgen Ullrich
Image Abtsdorf: internet
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last update 2015.04.15