born Aug. 26th, 1907 in Weilau Nr. 107, Siebenbürgen, Romania
baptized Oct. 6th, 1907 in Weilau
confirmation Apr. 9th, 1922 in Weilau
died Oct. 14th, 1983 in Canada
buried at St Peter's Lutheran Cemetery in Kitchener
son of Michael (39) and Susanna (n. Farr)
title: Lorenz schi Kauntz
married on March 11th, 1925 to Katharine (n. Schatz)
together with Katharine (n. Schatz) parent of Johann (7)
together with Katharine (n. Schatz) parent of stillborn on Nov. 27th, 1925
together with Katharine (n. Schatz) parent of George
last update 2021.12.31