Katharina (m. Nösner)

born Dec. 11th, 1863 in Weilau Nr. 105, Romania
baptized Dec. 13th, 1863 in Weilau
confirmation Apr. 19th, 1878 in Weilau

daughter of Georg (32) and Katharina (n. Gotzmeister)

married on Apr. 19th, 1881 to Georg Nösner in Weilau in his third marriage
Georg Nösner, born Apr. 19th, 1846, died Aug. 5th, 1915 in Weilau Nr. 21, son of Michael Nösner and Maria Kraft, was before married to Rosina Schatz and Christina Graffi

source: Karl Frank, Fürth, Germany
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last update 2005.04.13