Maria (m. Kestner)

born Nov. 20st, 1873 in Donnersmarkt
died Mar. 8th, 1934 in Donnersmarkt

daughter of Michael (23) and Margarethe (n. Kauntz)

married Nov. 25th, 1891 to Georg Kestner
they had four children together, Georg *Aug. 16th, 1892, +Aug. 17th, 1906, Michael *Aug. 25th, 1895, +Dec. 25th, 1968, Maria *Nov. 5th 1901, +Apr. 26th, 1985 and Georg *May 10th, 1907, +July 15th, 1915

Source: Donnersmarkt in Siebenbürgen, Familienbuch
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