Rosina (m. Antoni)

born June 17th, 1936 in Deutsch-Tekes, Romania
since 1991 living in Leverkusen, Germany
died March 2nd, 2016 in Leverkusen, Germany

daughter of Georg (5) and Rosina (n. Müller)

married to Andrei Antoni, born June 7th, 1931 in Deutsch-Tekes, died Nov. 30th, 1998.
They had one daugther, Erika Dorina (m. Tartler), born Apr. 2nd, 1966
and one son, Andreas, born June 29th, 1970
The burial was on April 4th, 2016 in Zeiden, Romania

Source: Lord Andreas Antoni, son
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last update 2007.02.19