born June 10th, 1904 in house 139 in Tekendorf, Siebenbürgen, Romania
confirmation Nov. 24th, 1918 in Tekendorf
daughter of Michael (10) and Susanna (n. Beder)
married Jan. 29th, 1927 in Tekendorf to Michael Siegler, born Oct. 30th, 1903 in Tekendorf
witnesses of marriage: Georg Siegler (son of Georg Siegler and Susanne Klutsch) and Michael Kauntz, both Tekendorf
together they had 4 children, Michael (born Oct. 5th, 1927, died Sept. 3rd, 1944 in Tekendorf), Susanna (born July 12th, 1929 in Tekendorf), Katharina (born July 28th, 1931 in Tekendorf) and Sophia (born Feb. 1st, 1944 in Tekendorf)
last update 2005.01.06