Copyright Bernhard Kauntz, Västerås, Sweden, 1996


Answer and evaluation sheet

You do have answered the questions before looking here?
If not - there you go => to the

We give you the evaluation first, to brighten up your face a little:

91-100: Are you sure you didn't cheat?
81 - 90: You're a living history book
71 - 80: Excellent performance
61 - 70: Very good indeed
51 - 60: You know your history
41 - 50: Still above average
31 - 40: Most people score here
21 - 30: It wasn't your day today
11 - 20: History isn't your favourite topic
01 - 10: What did you do in school?
0 points: I don't believe it.

Here once again, how to count points: Every right answer will give you 10 points, every decade off target one point less.
Example: If the right answer is 1840's, then you get 10 points answering correctly, 9 points for answering 1830's or 1850's, 8 points for 1820's or 1860's and so on, down to 1 point for 1750's or 1930's.

The answers:

1) - 1770's
2) - 1820's
3) - 1910's
4) - 1860's
5) - 1590's
6) - 1950's
7) - 1680's
8) - 1870's
9) - 1790's
10)- 1730's

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