Copyright Bernhard Kauntz, Västerås, Sweden, 1996


Answer and evaluation sheet

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We give you the evaluation first, to brighten up your face a little:

171 - 200: Unbelievable.
141 - 170: You're a real globetrotter
121 - 140: You can find your way in the dark as well
101 - 120: You don't get lost easily
081 - 100: Very good indeed
061 - 080: Good, above average
051 - 060: Still above average
031 - 050: Most people score here
021 - 030: Well, at least you find your own home
011 - 020: One can't know everything
001 - 010: What's a latitude anyway?
000: Do you know that the earth is a sphere?

Here is once more how to count your points: You get 10 points if you can locate a city on its right latitude, and one point less for every degree off-target. There are twice as many meridians for longitude, but you get still only 10 for the right answer, because you can take help of the time-zones. (If you know them, that is, you are of course not allowed to look them up!). And, as before, one point less for every degree off-target.
Example: The city of Rome is situated 42 degrees north and 12 degrees east. If your answer should be 38 N and 15 E, you would score 6 points on latitude and 7 points on longitude.

The answers:

Beijing (China) 40 North116 East
Buenos Aires (Argentina) 35 South058 West
Kairo (Egypt) 30 North031 East
London (UK) 52 North000
Nairobi (Kenya) 01 South037 East
Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) 23 South044 West
San Francisco (US) 38 North122 West
Sydney (Australia) 34 South151 East
Tokyo (Japan) 36 North140 East
Toronto (Canada) 44 North079 West

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