CITY-QUIZBERLIN1. Which country is Berlin the capital of? 2. Which three colours has the banner of this country? 3. In which year were the Olympics held in Berlin? 4. After having been ruined during WWII, the church on the photo to the right is preserved as a ruin. It is never to be restored as a reminder of the pains of war. What is its name? 5. The Operahouse and the Humboldt-University among other important buildings are situated on this street, reaching from Brandenburger Tor to Alexanderplatz. What is the name of this street? 6. Which playwrite is the author of "Mother Courage and her children", and "Galileo Galilei" among many others? 7. Name two of Berlin's four airports. 8. In which year was the Wall built in Berlin, which divided the city into East- and Westberlin? And in which year was it torn down? 9. What is the name of the church on the photo to the left? 10. What was the name of the first King of Prussia (1701 - 1713)?
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